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Privacy Policy - Igene

Privacy Policy

igene.in knows that you care how information about you is used and shared and we appreciate your trust in us to do that carefully and sensibly. This notice describes the privacy policy of igene.in. By visiting igene.in, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice describes your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, disclosure, retention, and protection of your personal information. By using our Services and/or registering for an account with us, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Notice and our User Agreement, and you are consenting to our collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information as described in this Privacy Notice and in our User Agreement. If you do not provide the information we require, we may not be able to provide all our Services to you.

This Privacy Notice describes your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, disclosure, retention, and protection of your personal information.

By using our Services and/or registering for an account with us, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Notice and our User Agreement, and you are consenting to our collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information as described in this Privacy Notice and in our User Agreement. If you do not provide the information we require, we may not be able to provide all our Services to you.

“Personal information” is information that can be associated with a specific person and could be used to identify that specific person whether from that data or from that data and other information that igene has or is likely to have access to. We do not consider personal information to include information that has been made anonymous or aggregated so that it can no longer be used, whether in combination with other information or otherwise, to identify a specific person.

We may amend this Privacy Notice at any time by posting the amended terms on this site. All amended terms automatically take effect 30 days after they are posted. We will notify you through the via email of any material changes to this Privacy Notice

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