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Nutrigene 200gm - Igene

Nutrigene 200gm


Ingredients: Finger Millet, Wheat, Italian Millet, Kodo Millet, Japanese Millet, Cardamom, Cashew nut, Poppy Seeds, Corn, Groundnut, Rousted Gram, Green Gram, Barley, Sago, Soya, Sorghum, Sesame seeds, Red rice, urad, Chickpeas

We do not use any preservatives, artificial colours, flavours or any other chemicals.


  • Increases high level of Protein, Fibre, Calcium & Iron
  • Keeps the energy level up
  • Serves as a better choice for Diabetic adults

Step 1: Take 2 tablespoon of igene millet health mix, Mix with half a cup of hot water.

Step 2: Add 1 cup cow milk and required palm jaggery, stir well till it gets mixed.

Step 3: Keep it on medium flame and stir well till it gets cooked (Liquid or semi-solid state as per requirement)

Weight 0.200 kg
Dimensions 6 × 1 × 12 cm
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